This blog is about Rita Navas, Wilton Rosario, and Edison Esmurria's balloon car project. Our car was built out of an old jewelry gift box, straws, tape, the circles that go underneath the foot of chairs for the wheels, and of course the balloon.
We took the box, inserted the straw in order to blow into the balloon, and the circle objects were for the sides for wheels.
Our project is related to Newton's 3rd law by action and reaction. For instance, by doing the action of adding a balloon to our light weight car, the reaction will be it'll move away. This motion would be considered the car "driving" away. It's related to distance by how hard we may work on the car that it may drive off at a good distance away from it's starting point. It's related to speed by how fast it may travel. It's related to acceleration by how quickly it may drive off from it's starting point. It's related to friction by how the balloon is against the car and the conflict between the two. It's related to force by how the balloon influences the car to accelerate.
In conclusion, this project has many different ways to prove that this balloon car relates to Physics.
The problems we faced while building the car was of course, not exactly knowing how to create a car. We had different views on how to make a balloon car, but we finally agreed with each other and ended up with a good looking car.